Tax Information
Tax payments: Installment payments, Full payments, and Personal Property Taxes are DUE and must be PAID on or before January 31 of each year. For further tax payment information contact the Town Treasurer or refer to the Tax information sheet enclosed with your tax bill.
TAX RECEIPTS - Receipts can be emailed. Please include your email address along with your tax payment. IF A MAILED RECEIPT IS NEEDED SEND A STAMPED SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE ALONG WITH PAYMENT.
Mailing your payment:
Mail the payment and the payment stub from the bottom of your tax bill to:
Bernadette Duescher
Treasurer, Town of Cooperstown
10619 Hidden Valley Road
Maribel, WI 54227
If you wish to receive a receipt, please enclose a self-address stamped envelope with your payment. For Insurance stipulations, no taxes will be collected at the treasurer’s home.
Postponed Real Estate Taxes:
Only real estate taxes may be postponed. Full payment, or First Installment of total real estate tax must be paid. The balance will be due to the Manitowoc County Treasurer on or before July 31st of each year.
Personal Property Tax:
Personal Property Tax must be paid in FULL by January 31st of each year, or they will be considered delinquent and interest will be charged. However, improvements on leased land assessed as personal property are eligible for installment payments.
Special Assessments:
Special Assessments cannot be postponed. These must be PAID IN FULL by January 31st of each year. Or your real estate taxed will be considered delinquent.
Lottery Credit:
The State Lottery Credit will appear on your tax bill if you have been pre-certified. Contact the Town Treasurer for further information.
Special Charge
A special charge of $15 will be assessed to all owners of septic systems in Manitowoc County. This charge is used to maintain the Manitowoc County Maintenance Program for private onsite wastewater treatment systems. If you feel you have been incorrectly charged on your tax bill or you have any other questions concerning this program please call the Manitowoc County Planning and Park Commission at (920) 683-4185.
Special Assessment Letters: available for a $25.00 fee per parcel from the Town Clerk. (Make check payable to Town of Cooperstown)
Assessment Information – Assessment information is available from the town assessor Scott Tennessen (920) 423-3502 or at the Manitowoc County Treasurer Property Listing Office website: